Wednesday, May 22, 2013

No Cake or Biscuits

Connemara Marble Ornament. Irish Christmas Decoration or Rear View Mirror Charm
Yes I did....I just listed something in my shop that looks suspiciously like a Christmas fact I'm pretty sure it is one, though I'm not allowed use the C word this side of Hallowe'en.
 Connemara Marble Ornament. Irish Christmas Decoration or Rear View Mirror Charm
But this Connemara marble decoration works just as well as a rear view mirror charm or indeed, just something Irishy to hang on your wall. 

Besides, some people collect festive ornaments all year round and if I don't have any in my shop it's like getting caught with no cake or biscuits when someone drops in for a tea and a chat! And no Irish woman would be caught out with no cake or biscuits to offer her visitors! The shame of it!
Connemara Marble Ornament. Irish Christmas Decoration or Rear View Mirror Charm
Irish Connemara marble ornament

So yes, I fess up. It is a Christmas ornament..and it comes to you from Ireland with love.....

I'll just pop the kettle on now....


  1. Oh dear, it's obvious I am not Irish! I have neigher biscuits nor cake in the house, or even milk for tea!!! Well, if I had cake in the house, it wouldn't last very long...

    Love the ornaments, and with this weather, it may as well be Christmas. Maybe I unpack the reindeer ornament, just to make a point...

    1. I know, summer seems a little shy this year alright.

  2. You made me smile with this post! Love your attitude! :))
